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Rahmani, Moïse
"Les Juifs de Rhodes"
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en Proyección Histórica de España en sus tres culturas: Castilla y León, América y el Mediterráneo vol. II Lengua y literatura española e hispanoamericana, Eufemio Lorenzo Sanz (coords.), Valladolid, Junta de Castilla y León, 1993, pp. 526-534.
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Ray, Jonathan
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Rebollo Lieberman, Julia
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Refael Vivante, Shmuel
"Una voz entre altas y lejanas montañas: el judeoespañol (ladino), los ladinistas y la tierra de ladinolandia"
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Refael, Shmuel
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Refael, Shmuel
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Refael, Shmuel
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Refael, Shmuel
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Refael, Shmuel
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Refael, Shmuel
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Refael, Shmuel
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Barcelona, Tirocinio, 2008
Refael, Shmuel
“Towards the Preparation of a Translated Hebrew Version of Michael Molho’s Usos y costumbres de los sefardíes de Salónica and Up-To-Date Bibliography: Why and how?”
en Proceedings of the Fourteenth British Conference on Judeo-Spanish Studies, 26-28 June 2006, Pomeroy, Hilary, Christopher J. Pountain y Elena Romero (eds.), London, Department of Hispanic Studies Queen Mary, University of London, 2008, pp. 167-178
Refael, Shmuel
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Refael, Shmuel
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Refael, Shmuel
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Refael, Shmuel
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Refael, Shmuel
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Refael, Shmuel
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Refael-Vivante, Revital y Refael-Vivante, Shmuel
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