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  • Bunis, David M. "The Earliest Judezmo Newspapers: Sociolinguistic Reflections” Mediterranean Language Review 6-7 (1990-1993), pp. 7-66. Ver
  • Bunis, David M. "Una introducción a la lengua de los sefardíes a través de refranes en judezmo" Neue Romania 12 (1991), pp. 7-36. Ver
  • Bunis, David M. "El idioma de los sefardíes: un panorama histórico" Moreset Sefarad: El legado de Sefarad, Jerusalén, Editorial Magnes-Universidad Hebrea, 1993, vol. II, pp. 414-437. Ver
  • Bunis, David M. "Le judezmo: autres cadres, autres rôles" en La société juive à travers l'histoire (Vol. IV Le peuple-monde), S. Trigano (ed.), París, Fayard, 1993, pp. 532-555. Ver
  • Bunis, David M. A Lexicon of the Hebrew and Aramaic Elements in Modern Judezmo Jerusalén, The Magnes Press-The Hebrew University, 1993. Ver
  • Bunis, David M. "Piesa di Yaakov Avinu kun sus izus (Bucharest, 1862): The First Judezmo Play" History and Creativity in the Sephardi and Oriental Jewish Communities, Jerusalén, Misgav Yerushalayim, 1994, pp. 201-252. Ver
  • Bunis, David M. "Tres formas de ladinar la Biblia en Italia en los siglos XVI-XVII" Introducción a la Biblia de Ferrara. Actas del Simposio Internacional sobre la Biblia de Ferrara..., ed. de Iacob M. Hassán y Angel Berenguer Amador, Madrid, Comisión Nacional Quinto Centenario-Universidad de Sevilla-CSIC, 1994, pp. 315-345. Ver
  • Bunis, David M. "Pyesa di Yaakov avinu kun sus izus (Bucharest, 1862): The First Judezmo Play?" Revue des Études Juives 154 (1995), pp. 387-429. Ver
  • Bunis, David M. "Sephardi and Middle Eastern Jewries. History and Culture in the Modern Era" en Harvey E. Goldberg (ed.), Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1996, pp. 226-239. Ver
  • Bunis, David M. "Translating from the Head and from the Heart: The Essentially Oral Nature of the Ladino Bible-Translation Tradition" en Hommage à Haïm Vidal Sephiha, Winfried Busse y Marie-Christine Varol-Bornes (eds.), Berna-Berlín-Francfurt-Nueva York-París-Viena, Peter Lang, 1996, pp. 337-358. Ver
  • Bunis, David M. “Modernization and the Language Question among Judezmo-Speaking Sephardim of the Ottoman Empire” en Sephardi and Middle Eastern Jewries: History and Culture in the Modern Era, Harvey E. Goldberg (ed.), Bloomington, Indianapolis, Indiana Univ. Press, 1996, pp. 226-239. Ver
  • Bunis, David M. "Phonological Characteristics of Ibero-Romance Elements in the First Printed Ladino Bible Glossary" en Michel Abitbol, Yom-Tob Assis y Galit Hasan-Rokem, eds., Hispano-Jewish Civilization after 1491 (Fourth International Congress for Research on the Sephardi and Oriental Jewish Heritage), Jerusalem, Misgav Yerushalayim, 1997, pp. 203-252. Ver
  • Bunis, David M. Voices from Jewish Salonika. Selections from the Judezmo Satirical Series Tio Ezrá I su Mujer Benuta and Tio Bohor I Su Mujer Djamila Jerusalem, Thessaloniki, Misgav Yerushalayim-The National Authority for Ladino-The Ets Ahaim Foundation of Thessaloniki, 1999. Ver
  • Bunis, David M. “Tío Ezrá I su mujer Benuta: Notes on a popular series published in the Saloniki judezmo between the World Wars” Judeo Espaniol: The evolution of a culture, Gatenio, Rafael (ed.), Thessaloniki, Ets Ahaim Foundation, 1999, pp. 49-56. Ver
  • Bunis, David M. “Salonika: World Center of Popular Judezmism” Judeo Espaniol: A jewish language in search of its people, Gatenio, Rafael (ed.), Thessaloniki: Ets Ahaim Foundation, 2002, pp. 75-84. Ver
  • Bunis, David M. “Una introducción a la lengua de los sefardíes a través de refranes en judezmo” Neue Romania 12 (2004)(=Judenspanisch I), pp. 7-36 Ver
  • Bunis, David M. “A Theory of Hebrew-Based Fusion Lexemes in Jewish Languages as Illustrated by Morphologically Derived Animate Nouns in Judezmo and Yiddish” Mediterranean Language Review 16 (2005), pp. 1-115. Ver
  • Bunis, David M. “Writing System as a National-Religious Symbol On the Development of Judezmo Writing” [en hebreo] Peamim 101-102 (2005), pp. 111-171. Ver
  • Bunis, David M. “Judezmo Inanimate Fusion Nouns with Non-Romance Affixes” Yod: revue des études hebraïques et juives 11-12 (2006-2007), pp. 359-410. Ver
  • Bunis, David M. “The Differential Impact of Arabic on Haketía and Turkish on Judezmo” El Prezente. Studies in Sephardic Culture 2 (2008), pp. 177-207 Ver
  • Bunis, David M. “Judezmo Analytic Verbs with a Hebrew-Origin Pariciple: Evidence of Ottoman Incluence” en Languages and Literatures of Sephardic and Oriental Jews, David M. Bunis (ed.), Jerusalem, Misgav Yerushalayim & The Bialik Institute, 2009, pp. 94-166. Ver
  • Bunis, David M. "A doctrine of popular judezmism as extrapolated from the Judezmo press, c. 1845-1948" en Judeo Espaniol. Textos satíricos judeoespañoles: de salonicenses o sobre salonicenses, R. Molho, H. Pomeroy y E. Romero (eds.), Salónica, Ets Ahaïm, 2011 pp. 244-268. Ver
  • Bunis, David M. "Native designations of Judezmo as a ‘Jewish Language’" en Hikrei Ma`arav u-Mizrah. Studies in Language, Literature and History Presented to Joseph Chetrit, ed. Yosef Tobi y Dennis Kurzon, Jerusalén, Matanel Foundation-University of Haifa-Carmel Publishing, 2011, pp. 41-81. Ver
  • Bunis, David M. “Judezmo Glossaries and Dictionaries by Native Speakers and the Language Ideologies behind Them” en Lexicologia y lexicografía judeoespañolas, Busse, Winfried y Michael Studemund-Halévy (eds.), Bern (et al.), Peter Lang, 2011, pp. 339-431 Ver
  • Bunis, David M. “Judezmo: The Jewish Language of the Ottoman Sephardim” European Judaism 44, nº1 (Spring, 2011), pp. 22-35. Ver
  • Bunis, David M. “The changing Faces of Sephardic Identity as Reflected in Djudezmo sources” Neue Romania 40 (2011) (=Judenspanisch XIII), pp. 43-71 Ver
  • Bunis, David M. “The East-west sephardic lá`az (judeo-spanish) dialect dichotomy as reflected in three editions of Séfer Dat yehudit by Abraham Laredo and Yishac Haleví” en Estudios sefardíes dedicados a la memoria de Iacob M. Hassán (z”l), Elena Romero y Aitor García Moreno (eds.), Madrid, CSIC et al., 2011, pp.157-190. Ver
  • Bunis, David M. "‘Recordings’ of Judezmo Linguistic Variation in the Early Twentieth-Century Judezmo Press" en Lengua, Llengua, Llingua, Lingua, Langue. Encuentros filológicos (ibero)románicos. Estudios en homenaje a la profesora Beatrice Schmid, Yvette Bürki, Manuela Cimeli y Rosa Sánchez, eds., Munich, Peniope, 2012, pp. 92-114. Ver
