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“A Theory of Hebrew-Based Fusion Lexemes in Jewish Languages as Illustrated by Morphologically Derived Animate Nouns in Judezmo and Yiddish”

Apellidos y Nombre del Autor: 
Bunis, David M.
“A Theory of Hebrew-Based Fusion Lexemes in Jewish Languages as Illustrated by Morphologically Derived Animate Nouns in Judezmo and Yiddish”
Datos bibliográficos: 
Mediterranean Language Review 16 (2005), pp. 1-115.
Resumen de contenido: 

Estudio comparado de la moforlogía nominal entre el judeoespañol y el yidis.

  • lengua, laguage, lingüística, Linguistics,  judeoespañol, Judeo-Spanish, ladino, historia de la lengua, History of the language, hebreo, Hebrew, yidis, yiddish.