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Jakóbiec-Semkowowa, Milica
“Sarajevo’s Sephardim and Ashkenazim in a Literary Mirror of Their Own and Foreign Authors”
en Andrej Katni, Izabela Olszewska, Aleksandra Twardowska (eds.), Ashkenazim and Sephardim: A European Perspective, Frankfurt am Main-Bern-Bruxelles-New York-Oxford-Warszawa-Wien, Peter Lang, 2013, pp. 41-56
Jerusalmi, Isaac
Reuven Eliyahu Yisrael's Traduksyon Livre de las Poezias Ebraikas de Rosh ha-Shana i Kippur 5670 ant the Six Selihoth of the 5682 edition
Jerusalmi, Isaac
From Ottoman Turkish to Ladino. The case of Mehmet Sadik Rifat Pasha's Risale-i Ahlâk and Judge Yehezkel Gabbay's Buen Dotrino
Cincinnati, el autor, 1990.
Jerusalmi, Isaac
The Selihoth of the Sepharadim. Hebrew Text and Ladino Translation of the Vienna 1865 Alschech Edition
Cincinnati, el autor, 1990.
Jerusalmi, Isaac
The Song of Songs in the Targumic Tradition
Cincinnati, el autor, 1993.
Jovanovic, Zeljko
"Le thème de l'inceste paternel dans le romancero séfarade: approche comparative"
en Recensement, analyse et traitement numérique des sources écrites pour les études séfarades, Soufiane Rouissi y Ana Stulic-Etchevers eds., Burdeos: Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, 2013, pp.287-312.
Jovanovic, Zeljko
"El cuento de Las orejas de Midas entre los sefardíes de Bosnia: contactos culturales"
Ladinar 7-8 (2014), pp. 135-148
Jovanovic, Zeljko
"Haim Davičo's Text Ženske Šale (Women's Jokes): A Sephardic Folktale Or a Serbian Translation of Tirso de Molina's Los tres maridos burlados?"
Bulletin of Spanish Studies: Hispanic Studies and Researches on Spain, Portugal and Latin America XCI (2014), pp. 981-1002
Jovanovic, Zeljko
"Landarico in the Work of Haim S. Davico and Laura Papo: The Domestication of the Spanish Ballad to the Serbian and Bosnian Sephardic Environment"
en Nicolás Asensio Jiménez y Sara Sánchez Bellido (eds.), Lengua y cultura sefardí. Estudios en memoria de Samuel G. Armistead, Madrid, Fundación Ramón Areces-Fundación Ramón Menéndez Pidal, 2015, pp. 211-244
Jovanovic, Zeljko
"Gina Camhy: una primera aproximación a la vida y obra de la autora sefardí de Bosnia"
en Paloma Díaz-Mas y Elisa Martín Ortega (eds.), Mujeres sefardíes lectoras y escritoras, siglos XIX-XXI, Madrid-Frankfurt, Iberoamericana-Vervuert, 2016, pp. 223-242
Jovanovic, Zeljko
"Two Stories of King Midas in the Judeo-Spanish Speaking World: Isak Papo and Matilda Koén-Sarano’s Versions of the ATU782 «Midas and the Donkey’s Ears», and ATU775 «Midas’ Short-sighted Wish»"
Boletín de Literatura Oral 8 (2018), pp. 11-22.
Jovanovic, Zeljko
"Judeo-Spanish Proverbs from Bosnia: Compilers and Their Approaches"
European Journal of Jewish Studies 17 (2023), pp. 1-31