Netherlands | Bibliography

Besselink L. (2007) The Dutch Constitution, the European Constitution and the Referendum in the Netherlands, in The European Constitution and National Constitutions. Ratification and Beyond, Albi A. and Ziller J. (eds), Kluwer Law International.

Tonra, B. (2001) The Europeanisation of national foreign policy: Dutch, Danish and Irish foreign policy in the European Union, Aldershot: Ashgate.

Zwaan J.W.D. (2000) “The Netherlands (judiciary and authorities) and Article 10 of the EC-Treaty. Report for FIDE 2000, XIX Congress, Helsinki ” SEW, 48(4), pp. 132–154.

Claes M. and De Witte B. (1995) “The European Court and National Courts – Doctrine and Jurisprudence: Report on the Netherlands”, European University Institute Working Paper RSC, n° 95/26.

De Witte, B. (1998) Les implications constitutionnelles, pour un Etat, de la participation à un processus d'íntégration régionale, in E.H. Hondius (ed.), Netherlands Reports to the Fifteenth International Congress of Comparative Law - Rapports néerlandais pour le quinzième congrès international de droit comparé - Bristol 1998, Antwerpen/Groningen, Intersentia, 1998, 379-393.

De Witte B. (1997) “Pays – Bas” in Rideau, J. (ed.), Les Etats membres de l'Union européenne. Adaptations, Mutations, Résistences, Paris , L.D.D.J.

Bekkers V., Bonnes J., De Moor-Van Vugt A., Schoneveld P., Voermans W. (1993) Brussels en Nederland: tegenliggers, spookrijders of reisgenoten?, Zwolle: Tjeenk Willink.

Prechal S.(1990) “La primauté du droit communautaire aux Pays-Bas”, Revue française droit administratif, 6, pp. 981 ss.

Kellermann A.E. (1989) “Supremacy of Community law in the Netherlands”, Common Market Law Review, 14, pp.175-185.

Kellermann A.E. (1983) “The Netherlands in face of its Community obligations”, Common Market Law Review, 33, pp.297-333.

van Panhuys H.J. F. (1964) “The Netherlands Constitution and International Law – A Decade of Experience”, American Journal of International Law, 88, pp. 88-108.