About this site

This site constitutes a source of information regarding the process of Europeanisation of national constitutions. It aims at providing basic documentation about national constitutional adaptations to European integration.
It is hosted by the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), a partner of the RECON Project within the framework of its Work Package 2, "The Constitutionalisation of the EU, the Europeanisation of National Constitutions, and Constitutionalism Compared". This WP analyses the impact of the dual processes of EU constitutionalisation and Europeanisation of national constitutions on the reconstitution of democracy in Europe (click here for more information).

The CSIC is the largest public research body in Spain. It is an autonomous organisation depending on the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. CSIC is dedicated to research in all scientific fields and is organised in centres along eight scientific disciplines. One of them, the Centre for Humanities and Social Sciences (CCHS) is the largest research centre in Spain in its field with more than 700 employees. The CCHS’ Institute of Public Goods and Policies is focused upon the interaction between public goods and policies and the research efforts are structured along four main themes: research and innovation systems and policies; environmental economics; social policies and welfare state; and Europeanization, globalization and comparative analysis of political processes and policies.

For questions or comments regarding the content of the site, please contact Professor Carlos Closa

This site has been designed by IT Service CCHS (CSIC), and edited by Patricio Galella and Pablo J. Castillo.