ratification of the Treaty of Paris - Treaty establishing the European
Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) - was reached without major obstacles
in most of the six signatory states. Only the Comunist Party was
opposed to the funding of the European Coal and Steel Community,
which interpreted it as being an American imperialist instrument
conducting to a new war and as a way of deepen the conflict between
West and East. In some Countries also Socialist (Belgium) and Social
Democrats (Germany) MPs rejected the project and in France, the
Gaullists had many reservations about the supranational character
of the High Authority.
After Ratification in all six signatory states, the Treaty of Paris
came into force on 25 July 1952.
in Belgium*
in France*
in Germany*
in Italy*
in Luxembourg*
in Netherlands*
data has been reproduced from the European NAvigator designed
and developed by CVCE – Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance sur l’Europe.