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Lisbon Treaty
Preparation StageNegotiation Stage Ratification Stage

Constitution (2004)
Preparation StageNegotiation Stage Ratification Stage

Nice Treaty (2001)
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Amsterdam Treaty (1997)
Preparation StageNegotiation Stage Ratification Stage
Maastricht Treaty (1992)
Preparation StageNegotiation Stage Ratification Stage
Single European Act (1986)
Preparation StageNegotiation Stage Ratification Stage
Treaties of Rome (1957)
Preparation StageNegotiation Stage Ratification Stage
Treaty of Paris (1951)
Preparation StageNegotiation Stage Ratification Stage
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Home > The Treaties of Rome > Preparation Stage
Preparation StageNegotiation StageRatification Stage

In April 1955, the foreign ministers of the Six (Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands), meeting in Messina, resolved to work together towards closer economic integration. Paul-Henry Spaak, the Belgian Minister for Foreign Affairs, was named head of a committee charged with preparing a report on the topic. This report, which was delivered in May of 1956, recommended the creation of a common market for all goods and services, based on a customs union with a common external tariff. It also proposed a union in the field of nuclear energy.


Paul-Henri Spaak - Source: European Commission Audiovisual Library
The "Spaak Report"
Spaak, Paul-Henri, Rapport des chefs de delegation aux Ministres des Affaires Etrangeres - Report of the Heads of Delegation to the Ministers of Foreign Affairs (21/04/1956). Commonly referred to as the Spaak Report. (French) (PDF) (An English version is not available online and may be requested from the Spaak Foundation)



© Carlos Closa 2003 - Design by Eduardo Jáuregui. Edited by Mario Kölling
Doctorado en Unión Europea