The development of the Iberian culture in the province of Jaén between the 7th-1st centuries BC left a strong imprint that we can be appreciated even now. We still have archaeological evidences from this period such as the fortified cities (oppida) of Cástulo, Giribaile and Puente Tablas, the burial chambers of Toya and Hornos, the burial mounds (tumulus) of Cerrillo Blanco and sanctuaries like El Pajarillo or the one in Cueva de la Lobera.
The proposed trip to the Time of the Iberians is a project ruled by the Andalusian Center of Iberian Archaeology, funded by the Diputación de Jaén and the regional Consejería de Turismo, in coordination with the various municipalities involved and with the collaboration of the Ministry of Culture. The project promotes the recovery and improvement of a number of archaeological sites and the creation of a network of visitor centers, museums and interpretation centers linked to the Iberian museum, which is being promoted by the Ministry of the Culture of Andalucía.