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Lisbon Treaty
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Constitution (2004)
Preparation StageNegotiation Stage Ratification Stage

Nice Treaty (2001)
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Amsterdam Treaty (1997)
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Maastricht Treaty (1992)
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Single European Act (1986)
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Treaties of Rome (1957)
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Treaty of Paris (1951)
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Home > The Lisbon Treaty > Ratification Stage > Netherlands
Preparation StageNegotiation StageRatification Stage


2005 European Constitution (Yes 38,4% - No 61,6% - Turnout 62,8%)


CONSTITUTIONAL CONDITIONS - Constitution of the Netherlands

Binding referendum requires implementation by constitutional amendment. Consultative Referendum can anyhow be held if ordered by ad-hoc-law.



Regulation about a special transfer of sovereignty to EU:

Approval of transfer of sovereignty without effect of constitutional amendment:
Majority of votes from both chambers, Art. 91 I, 67 II ConstNet.

Approval of transfer of sovereignty with effect of constitutional amendment:
Majority of 2/3 of the votes from both chambers, Art. 92, 91 III ConstNet.

Approval of constitutional amendment:
Majority of 2/3 of votes from both chambers after a law declares the necessity of a constitutional amendment, the disbandment of both chambers and their re-election, Art. 137 ConstNet.

Other constitutional regulations about referendums:



Eurobarometer (2006), The Future of Europe - Results for the Netherlands, Special Eurobarometer 251, Fieldwork: 23/02 – 15/03 2006. (PDF)

  • "Because the new EU treaty is a regular reform treaty, the normal approval procedure will be followed. The government does not feel that a referendum is an appropriate instrument.
    The government sees the new treaty as similar to those of Maastricht, Amsterdam and Nice, and like those earlier treaties, it can be approved via the normal procedure. The reform treaty will thus be debated and voted on by parliament." (Normal procedure for new EU treaty, 21.09.2007 http://www.government.nl)
    The likelihood of the Netherlands holding a referendum on the Reform Treaty decreased already on 13.09.2007 after the Dutch government was told by the Council of State that a poll is not necessary since there is no legal need for a referendum since the new treaty does not include "constitutional" elements.EUobserver.com
  • The country's second largest political faction, the Labour party, had come out in favour of ratifying the Reform Treaty by referendum.
  • On 08.07.2008 the Dutch Senate voted Tuesday in favour of the Lisbon Treaty. The treaty was adopted by a majority of 60 out of 75 votes in the upper house and had the support of the majority Christian Democrats (CDA), the Liberal Party (VVD) and the Labour Party (PvdA). The Socialist Party with 11 lawmakers, the Christian SGP party with two, and two one-member parties; the Party for Animals and Fractie-Yildirim, voted against the measure. The lower house of parliament gave the Lisbon Treaty the nod on June 5.




Parliamentary vote



The parliamentary ratification was held on 08.07.2008 in the upper house, where the Lisbon Treaty was adopted by a majority of 60 out of 75 votes. The ratification in the lower house of parliament was held on the 05.06.2006 (111 votes in favour and 39 against).



Pijpers, A. (2007), Neue Nüchternheit und kritische Öffentlichkeit – die Niederlande und die europäische Integration, Integration, 4/07, Oktober 2007. (German) (PDF)

Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister for European Affairs (2007), Dutch aims for discussions on amending European treaties, Letter to the House of Representatives on the status of discussion on a new European treaty, 19.03.2007. (HTML)


© Carlos Closa 2003 - Design by Eduardo Jáuregui. Edited by Mario Kölling
Doctorado en Unión Europea