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For further information please visit our extensive Bibliography of the European constitutional process.
Grant, C. (2009), What to do about the Lisbon treaty? - Four options for the Conservative, CER policy brief. (PDF) Grant, C. (2009), The Czechs will probably ratify the Lisbon treaty this year, CER article. (HTML) Slosarcik, I. (2009), The Treaty of Lisbon and the Czech Constitutional Court: Act II, CEPS policy brief, 27/10/2009. (PDF) Barrière, Anne-Lise; Roussel, Benoît (2009), Le traité de Lisbonne, étape ultime de l'intégration européenne ? : Le jugement du 30 juin 2009 de la Cour constitutionnelle allemande, Institut français des relations internationales (Ifri), Note du Cerfa 66. (PDF) (French) Lequesne, Christian (2009), Irlande: Le référendum passe toujours deux fois, CERI. (PDF) (French) Brady, H. (2009), Last chance for Lisbon: Ireland's EU referendum, CER, briefing note. (PDF) German Bundestag (2009), Bundestagsdebatte und -abstimmung zu den Begleitgesetzen zum EU-Vertrag von Lissabon, 08/09/2009. Becker, S. (2009), The Role of National Parliaments in the Open Method of Coordination, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, SWP Working Paper FG 01. (PDF) Maršic, Tomislav (2009), Der Prager Regierungssturz und die Zukunft der EU : Gelingt die Ratifikation des Lissabonner Vertrags in Tschechien?, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Studie 13. (German) (PDF) Institute for European Politics (ed.) (2009), EU-27 Watch no. 8, March 2009. (HTML) Monti, Mario (2009), Referendum: quid agendum? Réflexions pour sortir l'UE de la paralysie assurée, Notre Europe. (French) (PDF) Schwarzer, Daniela (2009), Zehn Jahre Governance der Eurozone: ökonomische Bilanz und institutionelle Dynamiken jenseits der Vertragsrevisionen, IEP Berlin, integration – 1/2009. (PDF) (German) Fischer, Severin (2009), Energie- und Klimapolitik im Vertrag von Lissabon: Legitimationserweiterung für wachsende Herausforderungen, IEP Berlin, integration – 1/2009. (PDF) (German) Lefebvre, Maxime (2009), An Evaluation of the French EU Presidency, Real Instituto Elcano, ARI 43/2009 - 17/3/2009. (HTML) Esparza-Ruiz, Daniel
(2009), ¿O
Lisboa o Moscú? Retos de la Presidencia checa en la UE, Real
Instituto Elcano ARI 28/2009 -18/02/2009. (Spanish) (HTML) Egenhofer, Christian; Kurpas, Sebastian; van Schaik, Louise (ed.) (2009), The Ever-Changing Union : An Introduction to the History, Institutions and Decision-Making Processes of the European Union, Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS). Keil, Kathrin; Maršic, Tomislav (2009), Die Ratifikation des Lissabonner Vertrags in Tschechien : Die gespaltene Ratspräsidentschaft und der letzte Mosaikstein, Diskussionspapier, SWP - Berlin. (German) (PDF) Fischer, S. (2009), Energie- und Klimapolitik im Vertrag von Lissabon: Legitimationserweiterung für wachsende Herausforderungen, integration, 1/2009. (PDF) (German) Laffan, B. (2008), Ireland and the EU Post-Lisbon, Notre Europe, 10/12/2008. (PDF) Kurpas, S.; Kaczynski, P.M. (2008), Inching towards a Second Irish Referendum, CEPS Commentary. (PDF) EPC (2008), Ireland and the Lisbon Treaty, Event Report. (HTML) German Bundestag (2008), Regierungserklärung und Bundestagsdebatte zu den Ergebnissen des Europäischen Rats am 11./12. Dezember. (PDF) (German) European Council (2008), Presidency Conclusions, European Council 11 and 12 December 2008. (PDF) Brady, H. (2008), How the Irish government might save Lisbon,CER Bulletin, Issue 63. (HTML) Giuliani, J.D. (2008), A Successful Presidency - Results of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union, Robert Schuman Foundation. (PDF) The Brookings Institution (2008), First annual Altiero Spinelli Lecture - “Between Scylla and Charybdis: the Future of the European Union”, Washington, D.C, 17.10.2008, Transcript O’Brenn, J. (2008), Ireland’s plan to resurrect the Lisbon Treaty to be unveiled at the Brussels summit, CEPS Commentaries. Maurer, A.; Roth, B., (2008), Warum Irland abstimmen muss(te) - oder auch nicht : Das Verhältnis zwischen irischem und europäischem Verfassungsrecht, Wissenschaft und Politik, Diskussionspapier. (German) Lieb, J.; Maurer, A. (2008), In Trippelschritten zur EU-Reform : Die Ratifikationsverfahren zum Lissabonner Vertrag, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Diskussionspapier. (German) Liebert, U.; Trenz, H.J. (2008), Mass Media and Contested Meanings: EU Constitutional Politics after Popular Rejection, EUI, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, EU Working Paper RSCAS 28. Lieb, J.; Maurer, A.; von Ondarza, N. (2008), Der Vertrag von Lissabon : Kurzkommentar, Diskussionspapier. (German) Keil, K.; Maršic, T. (2008), Die Ratifikation des Lissabonner Vertrags in Tschechien : Zwischen Vertiefungsskepsis und Staatsraison, Forschungsgruppe EU-Integration der Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Diskussionspapier. (German) Donnelly, B. (2008), British reactions to the Irish Referendum, The Federal Trust, Policy Commentary. (PDF) Padoa-Schioppa, T. (2008), The European Union's acid test, Proposition Notre Europe European Steering Committee, 7-8 November 2008. (PDF) Institute for European Politics (2008), EU-27 Watch No. 7, September 2008. (PDF) Fernández Sola, N. (2008), El Servicio de Acción Exterior de la Unión Europea, Real Instituto Elcano, DT 46/2008, 10/11/2008. (HTML) Parkes, R. (2008), A Retrospective UK Referendum on the Lisbon Treaty? : David Cameron and the Big Fight, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik Pech, L. (2008), The referendum in Ireland to ratify the European Treaties : obligatory or tradition, Robert Schuman Foundation, European Issues n. 115. (HTML) O’Brennan, J. (2008), Ireland and the Lisbon Treaty: Quo Vadis?, CEPS Policy Briefs, No. 176. (PDF) von Ondarza, N. (2008), Die EU-Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik im Schatten der Ungewissheit Bestandsaufnahme und Optionen nach dem irischen Nein zum Lissabonner Vertrag, SWP-Studie 2008/S 27. (PDF) (German) Vogel, S. (2008),
Europäischen Bürgerinitiative, in: Julia Lieb; Andreas Maurer;
Nicolai von Ondarza (Ed.), Der
Vertrag von Lissabon, SWP. (PDF) (German) Millward Brown IMS (ed.), Post Lisbon Treaty Referendum Research Findings, September 2008. (PDF) openeurope (2008), The Lisbon Treaty and Ireland, briefing note. (PDF) openeurope (2008), Foreign policy and defence, parliamentary briefing #5. (PDF) openeurope (2008), Institutional changes, parliamentary briefing # 7. (PDF) openeurope (2008), The New Treaty: What will it mean, and do we need a referendum, . (PDF) Král, D. (2008), How to Sell Lisbon in Prague: Prospects for the Lisbon Treaty's Ratification in the Czech Republic, Real Instituto Elcano, ARI 103/2008. (HTML) House of Commons (2008), The Treaty of Lisbon: an Uncertain Future, House of Commons Library, Research Paper 08/66. (PDF) Temple Lang, J.; Gallagher, E. (2008), Essential Steps for the European Union after the “No” Votes in France, the Netherlands & Ireland, CEPS Policy Brief No. 166. (PDF) Grant, C. (2008), Three scenarios for the Lisbon treaty, CER Bulletin, Issue 61, August/September 2008. (HTML) Boudewijn, R.; Emmanouilidis, J. A. (2008), How to proceed after the Irish " No", Clingendael Institute, Clingendael Commentary; 5. (PDF) Woolcock, S. (2008), The potential impact of the Lisbon Treaty on European Union External Trade Policy, Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies, European Policy Analysis 8. (PDF) Shaw, J. (2008), The Treaty of Lisbon and Citizenship, The Federal Trust, European Policy Brief, June 2008. (PDF) Best, E. (2008), From Rome to Lisbon: Really the End of the Road?, EIPASCOPE, 1/2008. (PDF) Best, E. (2008), The Lisbon Treaty: A Qualified Advance for EU Decision-Making and Governance, EIPASCOPE, 1/2008. (PDF) Duke, S. (2008), The Lisbon Treaty and External Relations, EIPASCOPE, 1/2008. (PDF) Donnelly B. (2008), Justice and Home Affairs in the Lisbon Treaty - A Constitutionalising Clarification, EIPASCOPE, 1/2008. (PDF) Tekin, F.; Wessels, W. (2008), Flexibility within the Lisbon Treaty: Trademark or Empty Promise?, EIPASCOPE, 1/2008. (PDF) Piedrafita, S. (2008), The Treaty of Lisbon: New Signals for Future Enlargements?, EIPASCOPE, 1/2008. (PDF) Christiansen, T. (2008), The EU Treaty Reform Process since 2000: The Highs and Lows of Constitutionalising the European Union, EIPASCOPE, 1/2008. (PDF) Krastev, I. (2008), Europe’s trance of unreality, openDemocracy, June 2008. (HTML) Barysch, K.; Brady,
H. (e. al.) (2008), The
CER guide to the French presidency, Seeger, S. (2008), From Referendum Euphoria to Referendum Phobia – How EU Member States Framed Their Decision on the Ratification Procedure of the Constitutional Treaty in Comparison to the Treaty of Lisbon, Center for Applied Policy Research . (PDF) Chopin, T.; Jamet, J.F. (2008), Can differentiation help to develop community integration (Part 2), Robert Schuman Foundation, European Issues No. 107. (French) (HTML) Maurer, A.; Schwarzer, D. (2008), Der Schuss vor den Bug - Frankreich muss die Prioritäten seiner EU-Ratspräsidentschaft umgewichten, SWP-Aktuell 2008/A 62, Juli 2008. (German) (PDF) Closa, C. (2008), After Ireland: Referendum and Unanimity, Real Instituto Elcano, ARI Nº 62/2008, 03/07/2008. (HTML) Budapest Analyses (2008), The implications of the referendum result, analysis No.197. (HTML) Chari, R. (2008), Why Did the Irish Reject Lisbon? An Analysis of Referendum Results, Real Instituto Elcano, (ARI 69), 30/6/2008. (HTML) Hierlemann, D. (2008), Irish Vote, Europe's Future: Four Options After the 'No', Bertelsmannstiftung, spotlight europe, June. (PDF) Grant, C. (2008), Dealing with No Ireland's rejection of the EU's plan for refom leaves its members with unpalatable options, published in Time Magazine, June 30-July 07 2008. (HTML) Brady, H. (2008), The era of the grand treaty is over, published in Guardian blog, 16 June 2008. (HTML) Gros, D.; Kurpas, s. (2008), After the Irish Referendum: A simple and effective Plan B, CEPS Policy Brief, no 163. (PDF) Bindi, F. (2008), Ireland's Rejection of the Lisbon Treaty, The Brookings Institution, June 16, 2008. (HTML) EPC (2008), Post-Summit Analysis: A time to heal, 23.06.2008. (HTML) Padoa-Schioppa, T. (2008), Declaration on the results of the Irish referendum on the Lisbon Treaty, Notre Europe´s Viewpoint. (HTML) Deloy, C. (2008), Ireland says "no" to the Lisbon Treaty, Robert Schuman Foundation, policy Brief. (HTML) Giuliani, J.D. (2008), If the people say no – let the people speak!, Robert Schuman Foundation, editorial. (HTML) Closa, C. (2008), Tras Irlanda: referéndum y unanimidad, Real Instituto Elcano, ARI Nº 62/2008, 16/06/2008. (Spanish) (PDF) House of Lords, European Union Comité (2008), The Treaty of Lisbon: an impact assessment, Tenth Report, March 2008. (PDF) Gros, D. (2008), Plan B, CEPS Commentaries. (PDF) Brady, H. (2008), Caution: The Irish Might Guillotine Lisbon, Real Instituto Elcano, ARI 56/2008, 6/6/2008. (HTML) Langhorst, A.K.; Ullrich, K. (2008), Der Ratifikationsprozess des Vertrags von Lissabon: Stand der Nationalen Verfahren, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Newsletter. Mai 2008. (PDF) (German) Herlin-Karnell, E. (2008), The Lisbon Treaty and the Area of Criminal Law and Justice, Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies, European Policy Analysis, ISSUE 3-2008. (PDF) Seyad, S.M. (2008), The Lisbon Treaty and EMU, Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies, European Policy Analysis, ISSUE 4-2008. (PDF) Aggestam, Lisbeth; (ed.al.) (2008), Institutional Competences in the EU External Action: Actors and Boundaries in CFSP and ESDP, Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies, Report No. 6–7. (PDF) Hierlemann, D.; Heydecker, C. (2008), Grünes Licht von der Grünen Insel? Zehn Fragen zu Irland, Bertelsmann Stiftung, spotlight europe 2008/05. (PDF) (German) Brown, T. (2008), The Lisbon Treaty Referendum in Ireland, Federal Trust, EuropeanNewsletter, April 2008. (PDF) Deloy, Corinne (2008), Référendum sur le traité de Lisbonne en Irlande, Robert Schuman Foundation, European Elections Monitor. (French) (HTML) Masseret, J.P. (2007), The reform treaty and Europe’s security and defence - reply to the annual report of the Council, Assembly of Western European Union, The Interparliamentary European Security and Defence Assembly, Document A/1979. (PDF) Benedetti, S. (2008), Un nuovo trattato per l’Europa: la fine dell’impasse : Documento redatto a conclusione del tirocinio che l’autrice ha compiuto presso l’area Europa dello IAI, Roma, settembre 2007-gennaio 2008, Istituto Affari Internazionali, Documenti IAI, (Italian) (PDF) Müller-Graff, P.C. (2008), Der Vertrag von Lissabon auf der Systemspur des Europäischen Primärrechts, Integration, Ausgabe 2/08, April 2008. (German) (PDF). Brady, H. (2008),
sought for new Council president, Centre for European Reform, CER
Bulletin 59. (HTML) Höreth, M.; Sonnicksen, J. (2008), Making and Breaking Promises: The European Union under the Treaty of Lisbon, Zentrum für Europäische Integrationsforschung, Discussion Paper, C181, Bonn. (PDF) Leinen, J. (2008), Die Gewinner des neuen Europa-Vertrages, FES, International Policy Analysis. (German) (PDF) Baddenhausen, H.; Deja, M. (2008), Schutz der Grundrechte in der EU nach dem Vertrag von Lissabon, Deutscher Bundestag, Wissenschaftliche Dienste. (German) (PDF) Baddenhausen, H.; Grey, T. (2008), Kompetenzverteilung und verfahrenstechnische Änderungen im Vertrag von Lissabon, Deutscher Bundestag, Wissenschaftliche Dienste. (German) (PDF) Keulen, M. (2008), Bringing the Treaty Back Home: The Netherlands and the Lisbon Treaty, Clingendael European Studies Programme, Commentary 6. (PDF) Gardiner, N., McNamara, S. (2008), The EU Lisbon Treaty: Gordon Brown Surrenders Britain's Sovereignty, The Heritage Foundation, WebMemo #1840. (Html) Ruiz-Jiménez, A.; Torreblanca, J. (2008), Is there a trade-off between deepening and widening? What do Europeans think?, EPIN Working Papers no 17 April 2998. (PDF) Martí Sempere, C. (2008), La Agencia Europea de Defensa tras el Tratado de Lisboa, Real Instituto Elcano, ARI Nº 33/2008. (Spanish) (HTML) Institute for European Politics (IEP) (ed.) (2008), EU-27 Watch, no. 6, March 2008. (PDF) Sutherland, P. (2008), Fog in Westminster, Europe Cut Off, The Federal Trust, European Essay No. 41. (PDF) Juncos, A.E. (2008), Co-ordination of the EU's External Action - An Ongoing Problem, The Federal trust, European Policy Brief, March 2008. (PDF) Bacquias, J. (2008), Freedom, security and justice: the new Lisbon (Treaty) agenda, EPC Policy Brief, 29.02.2008. (PDF) Papier, H.J. (2008), Europas Neue Nüchternheit: Der Vertrag von Lissabon, speech at the Humboldt-University Berlin, 21.02.2008. (PDF) Micossi, S. (2008), Democracy in the European Union, CEPS Working Document No. 286, February 2008. (PDF) McNamara, S. (2008), The EU Reform Treaty: A Threat to the Transatlantic Alliance, Background note 2109. Aldecoa Luzarragal, F.; Guinea Llorente, M. (2008), El rescate sustancial de la Constitución Europea a través del Tratado de Lisboa: la salida del laberinto, Real Instituto Elcano, DT Nº 9/2008 - 20/02/2008. Butler, N. (2008), My five ideas for Europe's future, CER Bulletin , Issue 58, February/March 2008. (HTML) McNamara,
S. (2008), The
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(HTML) Kurpas, S. (2007), The Treaty of Lisbon –How much ‘Constitution’ is left? An Overview of the Main Changes, CEPS Policy Brief, No 148, 11.12.2007. (PDF) Robert Schuman Foundation (2007), Understanding the Lisbon Treaty, 10 easy-to-read fact sheets, December 2007. (PDF) European Policy Centre (2007), The European Parliament and the December European Council, event report, 06.12.2007. (HTML) European Policy Centre (2007), The people's project? The new EU Treaty and the prospects for future integration, Challenge Europe, Issue 17, December 20007. (PDF) Trenz, H.J.; Rosén, G.; Conrad, M. (2007), The Interpretative Moment of European Journalism: The Impact of Newspaper Opinion Making in the Ratification Process, RECON Online Working Paper 2007/11. (PDF) Menéndez, A.J. (2007), The European Democratic Challenge, RECON Online Working Paper 2007/13. (PDF) European Policy Centre (EPC) (2007), The Treaty of Lisbon: implementing the institutional innovations, Event Report, 29.11.2007. 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(2007), El informe de Lamassoure-Severin acerca de la composición del Parlamento Europeo para 2009: crítica y alternativa, Real Instituto Elcano, ARI Nº 106/2007. (PDF) Giuliani, J.D. (2007), There’s a brave new Europe to be glimpsed in the Reform Treaty, Europe's World, Autumn 2007. (HTML) Chardon, M.; Hierlemann, D.; Seeger, S. (2007), A Chance for Wise Men, Center for Applied Policy Research, spotlight europe 2007-07. (PDF) Notre Europe (2007), Back to the future (for good this time)?, Viewpoint, 09.10.2007. (HTML) Roy, J. (2007), Between Cherry-picking and Salvaging the Titanic: Spain and the Rescuing of the Essence of the EU Constitution, Real Instituto Elcano, WP 41/2007. (PDF) Martín y Pérez de Nanclares, J. (2007), Towards a new European treaty: How to Recover the Essence of the Constitutional Treaty, Without Really Seeming to, Real Instituto Elcano, ARI 76/2007. (PDF) Institute for European Politics (IEP) (ed.), EU-25/27 WATCH, No. 5, September 2007. (PDF) Vetters, R. (2007), The Constitutional Debate Revisited: Patterns of Public Claims-Making in Constitutional Debates in France and Germany 2001-2005, Draft Paper for the ARENA Seminar on September 25th, 2007. (PDF) Riley, A. (2007), The EU Reform Treaty and the Competition Protocol: Undermining EC Competition Law, CEPS Policy Briefs, no. 142. (PDF) Petschen, S. (2007), El Mandato para el Tratado de Reforma: la consolidación definitiva de la Europa del establishment político de los Estados, ARI Nº 99/2007. (Spanish) (PDF) Marchetti, A.; Zimmek, M. (ed.) (2007), Annäherungen an Europa. Beiträge zur deutschen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft, ZEI Discussion Paper, C 1752. (German) (PDF) Cramme, O. (2007), Europe must politicise or die, Open Democracy, 21.09.2007. (HTML) Chopin, T.; Jamet, J.F. (2007), The Distribution of MEP seats in the European Parliament between the Member States: both a democratic and diplomatic issue, Fondation Robert Schuman, 11.09.07. (French) (HTML) Open Europe (2007), The constitutional treaty: A comparative text, Version 1.0, 15.08.2007. (PDF) Seeger, S.; Hierlemann, D. (2007), The subversive power of politics, The Bridge - A quarterly review on European integration. (HTML) Carrera, S.; Geyer, F. (2007), The Reform Treaty & Justice and Home Affairs - Implications for the common Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, CEPS Policy Brief. (PDF) The Federal Trust (2007), The Results of the June European Council - A New Treaty is Born, Analysis. (HTML) Müller-Graff, P.C. (2007), Die Zukunft des europäischen Verfassungstopos und Primärrechts nach der deutschen Ratspräsidentschaft, integration, 3/07, Juli 2007. (German) (PDF) Schild, J. (2007), Sarkozys Europapolitik: Das zunehmende Gewicht der Innenpolitk, integration, 3/07, Juli 2007. (German) (PDF) Handl, V. (2007), Die deutsche Ratspräsidentschaft aus tschechischer Sicht, integration, 3/07, Juli 2007. (German) (PDF) Duff, A. 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Please visit our Bibliography pages where you can find more Working papers, Documents and Material regarding the constitutional process.
German Federal Constitutional Court (2009), Act Approving the Treaty of Lisbon compatible with the Basic Law; accompanying law unconstitutional to the extent that legislative bodies have not been accorded sufficient rights of participation, BVerfG, 2 BvE 2/08 vom 30.6.2009, Absatz-Nr. (1 - 421). (HTML) Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic (2008), Decision regarding the treaty of Lisbon amending the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty establishing the European Community, Pl. ÚS 19/08. (HTML) President of the Czech Republic Václav Klaus (2008), speech at the Constitutional Court Proceedings on the Lisbon Treaty. (HTML) Houses of the Oireachtas, Sub-Committee on Ireland’s Future in the European Union (2008), Ireland’s future in the European Union: Challenges, Issues and Options, November 2008. (Word) Spanish Congress of Deputies (2008), Plenary Debate regarding the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty, 26.06.2008. (Spanish) (PDF) Eurobarometer (2008), Post-referendum survey in Ireland : preliminary results, Flash Eurobarometer, Preliminary results, Fieldwork: 13-15 June 2008. (PDF) President of the European Parliament Hans-Gert Pöttering (2008), After the vote in Ireland: Quo vadis Europa?, statement, 20.06.2008. (HTML) European Parliament (2008), Debates in preparation of the European council following the Irish referendum, Provisional edition, 19/06/2008. (PDF) Council of the European Union (2008), Presidency Conclusions of the Brussels European Council, 19/20 June 2008. German Bundestag (2008), Plenary Debate regarding the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty, 24.04.2008. (German) (PDF) Consolidated versions of the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty on the functioning of the European Union (PDF) (Word) Foreign and Commonwealth Office (2008), Consolidated Texts of the EU Treaties as amended by the Treaty of Lisbon, London. (PDF) German Bundestag (2008), Gespräch mit Sachverständigen zum Vertrag von Lissabon, 10.03.2008. (German) (video) German Bundestag (2008), Expertengespräch zur Vorbereitung der Ratifizierung des Vertrages von Lissabon zum Themenbereich "Raum der Freiheit, der Sicherheit und des Rechts", 05.03.2008. (German) (video) German Bundestag (2008), Vertrag von Lissabon und Gemeinsame Außen- und Innenpolitik/Europäische Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik, 20.02.2008. (German) (video) House of Commons,
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