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Single European Act (1986)
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Home > The Amsterdam Treaty > Ratification Stage > Portugal
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CONSTITUTIONAL CONDITIONS - Constitution of Portugal

Binding referendum expressly on international treaties provided.



On 3 October 1997, the government introduced the proposal for a resolution to hold a referendum into the parliament. However, the subject of the referendum question was not exactly whether to ratify the Amsterdam Treaty, but whether Portugal should continue to participate in the EU after the results of the Amsterdam Summit. The parliamentary opposition introduced competing proposals containing different formulations. On 29 June 1998, the parliament accepted a revised resolution based on the government’s proposal (Res. No. 36-A/98). On 8 July the president decided to hold the referendum and
submitted the proposal to the Constitutional Court. In its decision 756/98 of 29 July, the Court decided that the wording of the question was “not formulated in objective terms, and clearly and precisely” (Art. 115 (6)). Thus, the referendum took not place, and ratification followed Art. 161 (i). The government introduced a proposal for a resolution to accept the treaty via parliamentary ratification (Res. No. 118/VII). On 6 January 1999 nearly 90% of the parliamentarians voted for the resolution.



Thurner, P.; Stoiber, M. (2001), Comparing Ratification Processes within EU Member States: The Identification of Real Veto Players, Mannheim Centre for European Social Research.


© Carlos Closa 2003 - Design by Eduardo Jáuregui. Edited by Mario Kölling
Doctorado en Unión Europea