LUC4FIRE officially started its activities on February 1st 2017. |
MARCH 2017
On March 6th the student Brais Caamaño joined LUC4FIRE project to carry out the internship of the Master's degree in Technologies of Geographical Information from the University of Alcala (UAH). He presented his Master's dissertation on September. |
Attendance to the Workshop Fire Risk at the Wildland Urban Interface March 7th 2017 at the University Complutense of Madrid (UCM). |
APRIL 2017
On April 17th Jesús Garrido joined LUC4FIRE project within a one-year contract under the Madrid region "Garantia Juvenil" Predoctoral program.
On January 29th Lara Vilar attended TERRAENVISION Conference, hold in Barcelona. She presented an oral proceeding entitled "Land Use-Land Cover Interfaces to model wildfire occurrence in Europe " during FIRE2 Session Wildfire in urban areas.
APRIL 2018
On April 16th the student Javier Redondo joined LUC4FIRE project to carry out the internship of the Master's degree in Technologies of Geographical Information from the University of Alcala (UAH). He presented his Master's dissertation on September with merit.
MAY 2018
On May 3rd Etel Tafur joined LUC4FIRE project within a one-year contract under the Madrid region "Garantia Juvenil" Predoctoral program.
On May 5th Lara Vilar attended the III Forest firefighters meeting hold in El Espinar (Segovia). Very interesting demostration activities, science dissemination and a nice event to meet.
JUNE 2018
On June 20-22 the XVIII Congreso Nacional TIG was celebrated in Valencia. Jesús Garrido and Lara Vilar attended and presented the results of the estimation of wildfire occurrence in Zamora, Madrid and Valencia by using LULC interfaces and meteorological variables.
On November 12-16 the 8th International Conference on Forest Fire Research was hold in Coimbra (Portugal). Lara Vilar attended and presented the work done in collaboration with the Santander Meteorology Group (University of Cantabria) and the Australian National University (ANU) entitled 'Wildfire occurrence estimation in Spanish regions based on Land Use-Land Cover interfaces and biophysical variables'.
On November 19th Etel Tafur attended the V Jornadas Técnicas- La prevención de incendios forestales. Percepción social that was hold in Toledo (Spain), organized by Pau Costa Foundation.
APRIL 2019
On April 8-12 the EGU General Assembly 2019 was hold in Viena (Austria). Etel Tafur attended and presented two LUC4FIRE related works: 'Projecting wildfire occurrence at regional scale from Land Use/Cover and climate change scenarios' and 'Comparative analysis of spatially explicit models to simulate Land Use/Cover changes for future wildfire analysis at regional scale'.
MAY 2019
On May 21 we participated in the Workshop 'Forest fires and use of fire. Past, present and future' organized by the Archaeobiology research group from the Institute of History at CCHS-CSIC. We presented LUC4FIRE on-going results and progress.