This is a four-year research project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (FFI2009-08762).
The project aims at analyzing the process of participation of students in the regular school systems. Its purpose id two-fold: a) to identify the main obstacles preventing a full and fair participation of all students in schools, and b) to make proposals to overcome the identified obstacles.
We will analyze everyday school practice in some schools selected as case-study. The case-study have been selected from different parts of the world (Spain, USA, Peru, Austria, and Bolivia) in order to have a broad frame of reference to compare practices from an Anthropological perspective.
The methodology to be used is a multi-sited Ethnography.
The project will be carried out by a multidisciplinary international team of researchers who have already started studying in a former proposal with the same title (
Framework of Reference:
We use the term “participation” instead of “integration” that we used in the former proposal because we think it is a two-fold process in which everybody has to adjust to the new situation, and not only the newcomers (i.e. immigrant students). We think that any kind of compensatory policies or programs aimed only at a body of school population are not effective since they end up excluding them, and favoring racist attitudes and behaviors. For this reason we also think an antiracist education is a necessary step for a fair participation of all students.
A) To make a meaningful contribution to understand the process of participation of all students in school life, paying special attention to processes of inclusion/exclusion.
B) To focus the analysis on the role of teachers and their agency for changing Education (instead of focusing on policies as we did in the former project), suggesting proposals to promote participation of all preventing racism.
We are going to carry out several ethnographic fieldworks combined together by a multi-sited perspective.
Ethnographic fieldwork is a qualitative methodology involving direct participation in the processes to be analyzed, sharing everyday life in schools, and making open-ended interviews to participants.