This course introduces the discipline of anthropology as a knowledge that is used in the solution of cultural and social problems. It starts with a review of the basic theoretical and methodological fundamentals of applied anthropology. It explores the development of anthropological knowledge in order to understand the roots, the multifaceted uses, and the ethical dilemmas of applied anthropology. The courses present a variety of historical and current ethnographic cases to document the exercise of applied anthropology as a profession; in particular, recent ethnographic cases are used as analytical prisms and pedagogical strategies to examine applied anthropological research. These ethnographic examples are originated mostly in Latin America and United States, given the long trajectory of applied anthropological research in these regions. At the same time, the course opens a conversation with ethnographic cases provided by guest speakers and their ethnographic research contributions mostly framed in Spain.
A bibliographical dossier, including basic readings for the course, will be provided; most of these readings are written in English, and will be available to students before the course starts.