Libro colectivo que contiene una serie de artículos sobre la historia y la cultura sefardí.
Sefiha, Avraam Andreas, Opening address
Sephiha, Haïm Vidal, Origines et naissance du Judeo-Espagnol. Contribution á l’histoire de langue Espagnole
Pérez, Avner, Profile of the woman in the Judeo-Spanish romansa
Shaul, Moshe, Le judéo-espagnol au seuil du XXI siècle. Possibilites d’assurer la continuite de cette langue grace aux nouvelles technologies de communication
Pomeroy, Hilary, The Judeo-Spanish ballad tradition of Salonica
Bunis, David M., Tío Ezrá I su mujer Benuta: Notes on a popular series published in the Saloniki judezmo between the World Wars
Gattegnio, Erella, Shlomo Modercai Reuven: His life and his poetry
Pedrosa, José Manuel, The folk song heritage of the Sepharadim of Salonika
Lèvy, Isaac Jack, The chalenges of working with Judeo-Spanyol
Ayoun, Richard, Des journaux Judéo-Espagnols à Izmir et à Salonique jusqu’à la veille de la première guerre mondiale
Kerem, Yitzchak, Salonika: the Cultural Capital of post-expulsion Sephardic Jewry; Language, Music, Literature, and Theater
Refael, Shmuel, Los cantes del Incendio. Judeo-Spanish popular poetry on the great fire of 1917
Harris, Tracy, Judeo-Spanish: Survival and decline
Nar, Alberto, The Sepahradi vs. the ‘Rembetico’ folk song