Titulación académica/puesto que ocupa:
Ph.D. Ethnomusicology, M.A. Medieval Studies, Adjunct Graduate Faculty. Music
Dirección de la institución:
4700 Keele St., ACE 371
Toronto, Canada M3J 1P3
Principales temas de investigación:
- Sephardic music, Judeo-Spanish, Ladino, haketia
- Crypto-Jewish musical life in Portugal;
- Women in Sephardic music, women in Crypto-Jewish life;
- Use of music in Spain’s “festivals of three cultures”, demythologizing Judeo-Spanish music (the “flamenco” myth, the “medieval” myth etc);
- Medieval music practice;
- Judeo-Spanish song in non-Jewish pedagogical contexts.
Dr Judith R. Cohen is both a scholar and an active performer and workshop leader of Judeo-Spanish songs, as well as music of the Sephardic diaspora – in the medieval Iberian period, and in the Balkans, Turkey, Greece, and French Canada; as well as in pan-European balladry. She is fluent in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese