Activities Calendar



Reseach Scientist at the CSIC

Fernando Rodríguez Mediano is Research Scientist (Investigador Científico) at the CSIC (Spanish National Resarch Council).

He completed his doctoral studies at the Universidad Complutense (Madrid) in 1991. From 1993 to 1994 he had a postdoctoral fellowship at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris (EHESS).

He has participated in 14 research programs funded by the European Research Council, the European Science Foundation, the Spanish national R&D Plans, and Regional Plans for R&D.

He was Director of Journal Al-Qantara, member of the Editorial Board of Hespéris-Tamuda, and director of the "Estudios árabes e islámicos. Monografías" series (CSIC). He has been visiting professor at the EHESS (Paris).

His areas of expertise are: Sociology of religious elites in Morocco (15th-17th centuries); Moroccan hagiographical and biographical literature; Relations between Spain and Morocco (16th-17th centuries); Spanish Protectorate over Northern Morocco (1912-1956); History of Spanish Early Modern Orientalism (17th century).

Selected Publications:

  • Fernando Rodríguez Mediano, Familias de Fez (ss. XV-XVII), Madrid, CSIC, 1995.
  • Mercedes García-Arenal, Fernando Rodríguez Mediano, Rachid El Hour, Cartas marruecas. Documentos de Marruecos en archivos españoles (siglos XVI-XVII), Madrid, CSIC, 2002.
  • Fernando Rodríguez Mediano, Helena de Felipe (eds.), El Protectorado español en Marruecos. Gestión colonial e identidades, Madrid, CSIC, 2002.
  • Mercedes García-Arenal, Fernando Rodríguez Mediano, The Orient in Spain. Converted Muslims, The Forged Lead Books of Granada, and the Rise of Orientalism, eng. trans. Consuelo López-Morillas, Leiden-Boston, Brill, Numen Book Series, 142, 2013.
  • Fernando Rodríguez Mediano, "Santos arrebatados: algunos ejemplos de maydub en la Salwat al-anfas de Muhammad al-Kattani", Al-Qantara, XIII (1992), 233-256.
  • Fernando Rodríguez Mediano, "Los ulemas de Fez y la conquista de la ciudad por los sa'díes", Hespéris-Tamuda, XXX (1992), 21-38.
  • Fernando Rodríguez Mediano, "Justice, crime et châtiment au Maroc au XVIe siècle", Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales, may-jun 1996, pp. 611-27.
  • Fernando Rodríguez Mediano, "Les conversions de Sebastião Paes de Vega, un portugais au Maroc Sa'dien", en Mercedes García-Arenal (dir.), Conversions Islamiques. Identités religieuses en Islam méditerranéen, París, Maisonneuve et Larose/European Science Foundation, 2001, 173-192.
  • Fernando Rodríguez Mediano, "Justice, amour et crainte dans les recits hagiographiques marocains", Studia Islamica, 90 (2000), 85-104.
  • Fernando Rodríguez Mediano, "Delegación de Asuntos Indígenas, S2N2. Gestión racial en el Protectorado español en Marruecos", Awraq, XX (1999), 173-206.
  • Fernando Rodríguez Mediano, "Luis de Mármol y el humanismo. Comentarios sobre una fuente de la Historia del rebelión y castigo de los moriscos del reyno de Granada", Bulletin Hispanique, dic 2003, 371-404. 
  • Fernando Rodríguez Mediano, "Fragmentos de orientalismo español del s. XVII", Hispania, 66, n1 222 (ene.-abr. 2006), 243-276.
  • Fernando Rodríguez Mediano, "Al-Andalus y la lengua árabe en la España de los siglos de oro", in Manuela Marín (ed.), Al-Andalus / España. Historiografías en contraste, siglos XVII-XXI, Madrid, Casa de Velázquez, 2009, 1-20.
  • Fernando Rodríguez Mediano, "Luis de Mármol lecteur de Léon. Une appréhension espagnole de l'Afrique", in François Pouillon (éd.), con Alain Messaoudi, Dietrich Rauchenberger, Oumelbanine Zhiri, Léon l'Africain, París, IISMM-Karthala, 2009, 239-267.
  • Mercedes García-Arenal, Fernando Rodríguez Mediano, "Jerónimo Román de la Higuera and the Lead Books of Sacromonte", en Kevin Ingram (ed.), Conversos and Moriscos in Late Medieval Spain and Beyond, Leiden, 2009, 243-268.
  • Fernando Rodríguez Mediano, "Justice, Crime and Punishment in 10th/16th-Century Morocco", en Christian Lange y Maribel Fierro (eds.), Public Violence in Islamic Societies, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2009, pp.179-200.
  • Fernando Rodríguez Mediano, "The post-almohad dynasties dynasties in al-Andalus and the Maghrib (7th-8th/13th-14th centuries)", Maribel Fierro (ed.), The New Cambridge History of Islam. II.- The Western Islamic World, Eleventh to Eighteenth Centuries, Cambridge, CUP, 2010, 106-143.
  • Mercedes García-Arenal, Fernando Rodríguez Mediano, "Los libros de los moriscos y los eruditos orientales", Al-Qantara, 31 (2010), 611-646.
  • Mercedes García-Arenal, Fernando Rodríguez Mediano, "Soumis à une seule loi. Les stratégies de Miguel de Luna, chrétien arabe de Grenade", en Michel Bertrand y Natividad Planas (eds.), Les sociétés de frontière de la Méditerranée à l'Atlantique (XVIe-XVIIIe siècle), Madrid, Casa de Velázquez, 2011, 23-41.
  • Fernando Rodríguez Mediano, "Al-Andalus, España y la inexistencia de las culturas", Revista de Occidente, 362-363 (jul.-ago. 2011), 75-95.
  • Fernando Rodríguez Mediano, "Conversion, langue et histoire: la christianisation de la langue arabe dans l'Espagne moderne", in Jocelyne Dakhlia y Wolfgang Kaiser (eds.), Les musulmans dans l'histoire de l'Europe. II.- Passages et contacts en Méditerranée, París, Albin Michel, 2013, 537-563.
  • Fernando Rodríguez Mediano, Mercedes García-Arenal, "Conexiones de la Accademia dei Lincei con España", in Maria Eugenia Cadeddu y Marco Guardo (eds.), Il Tesoro Messicano. Libri e saperi tra Europa e Nuovo Mondo, Firenze, Leo Olschki, 2013, pp. 257-275.
  • Fernando Rodríguez Mediano, "Culture, Identity and Civilisation: The Arabs and Islam in the History of Spain", in Frank Peter, Sarah Dornhof y Elena Arigita (eds.), Islam and the Politics of Culture in Europe. Memory, Aesthetics, Art, 2013, Bielefeld, Verlag, pp. 41-60.

Current research: history of religious dissent and polemics in Early Modern Spain, and its relationship with the construction of a "national" historiography.