Several Early Stage Researchers of CORPI are conducting research trips and participating in training program with affiliated institutions in Spain and overseas at the moment:
Gloria Vezzosi (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa) continues her research at the archives of the Biblioteca General Histórica of Universidad de Salamanca.
Manuel Montoza Coca (Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona), whose doctoral project involves the critical edition of Martín García Puyazuelo’s sermons, is conducting research in the Scuola Superiore di Studi Medievali e Francescani of the Università Pontificia Antonianum (Rome, Italy), under the guidance of Professor P. Pietro Messa. He also participates in the seminars Filologia e intertestualità, led by Professor Marco Guida, and Forme di mistica medievale, led by professores Alvaro Cacciotti and Antonio Rigon.
Eduardo Fernández is currently a Visiting Researcher in the Istituto di Scienze Umane e Sociali of the Scuola Normale Superiore de Pisa. He participates in the seminar “Prophetism at the Thresholds of the Modern Era”, led by Professor Stefania Pastore. He is also conducting archival research in the Congregación para la Doctrina de la Fe and the Archivo Secreto Vaticano, both at Rome.
Carla Ramos García presently recieves doctoral training in Bar-Ilan University (Israel), under the tutelage of Professor Claude Stuczynski. She also takes part in the research project conducted by the Center for the Study of Conversion and Inter-Religious Encounters (Ben Gurion University, Israel).
Javier Albarrán is currently a Visiting Researcher at the Moroccan Cultural Studies Centre of the Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdallah University in Fez, Morocco. He is also studying rare manuscripts at the library of Qarawiyyin University-Mosque.
Jesús Téllez participates in the seminar Imágenes del cuerpo en la Edad Moderna, directed by María Cruz de Carlos Varona and taking place in the Escuela del Prado (Centro de Estudios del Museo del Prado, Madrid).
Jessica Fowler, who recently recieved her PhD (UC Davis, USA), conducted a short research trip to the UK, where she worked at the British Library (London). She has also participated in the conference “Transverberations: Iberian Mysticism in a Global Context” (University of Manchester), where she both delievered a paper and chaired a panel.