Susana Calvo Capilla (Ph.D., Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2001). She is currently Associate Professor in the Department of Medieval Art History at the Universidad Complutense in Madrid. Her doctoral thesis, entitled “Estudios sobre arquitectura religiosa en al-Andalus: Las pequeñas mezquitas en su contexto histórico y cultural” [Studies on the Religious Architecture of al-Andalus: Small Mosques in Their Historical and Cultural Context], was directed by Dr. Christian Ewert (German Archaeological Institute) and Dr. Isidro G. Bango (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid). She has worked in numerous research centers for the study of the Arab and Islamic world in Damascus, Cairo, Paris, and Aix-en-Provence. She has participated in conferences and international seminars such as that celebrated in Damascus together with the Institut français du Proche-Orient: Umayyad Legacies. Medieval Memories from Syria to Spain. She has also participated in the redaction of various exhibition catalogues under the direction of Dr. Isidro G. Bango, mostly recently Alfonso X El Sabio (Murcia, 2009) and La Edad de un Reyno. Sancho el Mayor y sus herederos (Pamplona, 2006).
Selected Publications
- “L’Islamisation de la Péninsule Ibérique (92H/711-170H/785): Les premières mosquées et les temples wisigothiques d’après les textes et l’archéologie.” Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez nouv. ser. 41.2 (2011): pp. 131-163.
- “Analogies entre les Grandes Mosquées de Damas et Cordoue: mythe et réalité.” In Umayyad Legacies. Medieval Memories from Syria to Spain. Antoine Borrut and Paul M. Cobb, eds. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2010, pp. 281-311.
- “Justicia, misericordia y cristianismo: una relectura de las inscripciones religiosas de la Mezquita de Córdoba en el siglo X.” Al-Qantara 31.1 (2010): pp. 149-187.
- “La ampliación califal de la mezquita de Córdoba: mensajes, formas y funciones.” Goya 323 (2008): pp. 1-18.
- Susana Calvo Capilla and Juan Carlos Ruiz Souza, eds. Itinerarios de Isabel la Católica, 10 Rutas de una reina viajera. Madrid: Sociedad Estatal de Conmemoraciones Culturales, Ministerio de Cultura (Instituto de Patrimonio Histórico Español) y Acento Editorial, 2004.
- Urbanismo en la Córdoba islámica. Madrid: Ediciones Edilupa, 2002.