Madrid, March 13, 2014 (IFS - UNED)
I- The spatial categories of politics
- Political topography: the use of spatial coordinates in political language and imagination, João Cardoso Rosas (Univ. Do Minho, Portugal)
- Space as a social practice. An approach to the 'spatial turn' through the work of Henri Lefebvre, Juan García-Morán (UNED)
- The political territory: the spaces of the Demos, Francisco Colom (Instituto de Filosofía, CSIC)
- Borders, chance and justice, Juan Carlos Velasco (Instituto de Filosofía, CSIC)
- Space and political obligation: from Polis to Cosmopolis, José Mª Hernández (UNED)
II- Territory and the political imagination
- Politics as a space for the 'Human Conversation': from classical Antiquity to Early Modernity, Ángel Rivero (Univ. Autónoma de Madrid)
- East and West as imaginaries of political space, Guillermo Graíño (Collegio San Carlo di Modena, Italia)
- 'Overseas'. The maritime boundaries of political imagination, Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo (University of Lisbon, Portugal)
- The imagination of classical Antiquity in the conquest of the American spaces, Salvador Mas (UNED)
- The definition of space and political Modernity: the Spanish-American experience, Tomás Pérez Vejo (INAH, México)