In recent years a new field has emerged focused on food studies. One of the dimensions of this field is of interest here: foodscapes, the landscapes of food. This type of research focuses on the production and consumption of food, not so much from a gastronomical, nutritional or cooking point of view. Food, within this approach, has a role within literature, anthropology, art, symbolism, sociology or history. It is still a field in its infancy, and methodologies are still being developed. From the historical and archaeological point of view, the material expressions of this food production and consumption are ever-present in today’s landscape.
This field still has much potential for ground-breaking fieldwork, as well as a revision of past technical, descriptive or literary documentation. For the most recent period, oral memory and traditions, as well as photography, can yield great value.
Chestnuts, cereals and vegetable gardens
Livestock farming