The present research project, which is called “Art And Artists Inside And Outside Franco’s Dictatorship”, proposes researching the important work in art and theory of outstanding Spanish creators linked, directly or indirectly, to the world of Arts during Franco’s dictatorship. This includes not just the artists and its works of art, but also the study carried out from their production, both inside and outside Spain. It will also focus on the singular Spanish conditions of the time. Therefore, it aimes at recovering and spreading an essential part of the historical collective memory in this period, generally in the social, political and cultural fields and particularly in the arts field.
Our research also intends to contribute to the knowledge, the recuperation and diffusion of this creative and theoretical work. Specially in what it has to do with art in exile and the analysis of what was done inside Spain (an essential field in our historiography that has not been deeply studied yet). Although the project will concentrate on Franco’s period (1939-1975), it will not forget its precedents (the II Republic, for example) or its further evolution in the transition or democracy periods. This large framework will permit studying the antecedents and precedents in the world of Arts in Spain throughout all the period and its creative links with the international scene.
*Image: Enrique Climent: En el Sinaia, 1939, pen-and-ink drawing.