More Information about the Project
About its history and institutional background
- Cunchillos – Xella – Zamora 2005 [2000] (First public presentation).
- Xella – Zamora 2007 (New background and state of the project).
About its technical base and methodology
- Cunchillos 2000 [1990-98] (I. T. methodological background).
- Zamora 1998 (Early technical development).
- Zamora 2007b (Some more recent technical notes).
Epigraphic, linguistic or historical works directly related to the CIP project
- Phoenician Epigraphy in Lebanon: Xella et al. 2006; Xella – Zamora 2004; 2005; i. p. (Publications of the Missione Epigrafica [libanese-italo-spagnola] nel Libano).
- Phoenician Epigraphy in the Iberian Peninsula: Amadasi Guzzo – Zamora 2008; Correa – Zamora 2008; Cunchillos – Zamora 2004; i. p.; Gutiérrez et al. i. p.; Niveau de Villedary – Zamora 2010; Zamora 2004; 2005a; 2005b; 2006; 2007a; 2009; 2010a; 2010b; 2010c; 2011; 2012; 2013; i. p.; Zamora – Niveau de Villedary 2008; Zamora et al. 2007; 2011; 2013 (Publications of the Spanish Plan Nacional de Investigación Projects about Phoenician inscriptions from the Iberian Peninsula and surroundings).
Funded research projects related to the CIP
- "Estudio y edición de inscripciones fenicias y púnicas de la Península Ibérica inéditas o mal conocidas y publicación del corpus de epígrafes peninsulares / Study and edition of unedited or little known Phoenician and Punic inscriptions from the Iberian Peninsula and publication of the corpus of peninsular epigraphs" (2011-2014, dir. by J. Á. Zamora) – Spanish Ministery of Scientific Research (FFI2010-17342) (Editing of some groups of umpublished Phoenician and Punic epigraphs found in the Iberian Peninsula; study and publication of other documents which are little known or need reviewing; first steps into publishing the corpus of peninsular epigraphs).
- "Inscripta digitalia. Implementación de sistemas de almacenamiento y gestión digital del patrimonio epigráfico fenicio" (2008-2009, dir. by J. Á. Zamora) – Spanish National Research Council, CSIC (PIE 200810I017) (Bibliographic and catalographic research on Phoenician epigraphy; digital copy of files, photographs and publications; storage and management of data).
- "Recuperación y estudio del patrimonio histórico y epigráfico fenicio en el Líbano / Recovery and Study of Historic and Epigraphic Phoenician Heritage in Lebanon" (RESHEPH-Lb, 2005-2008, dir. by J. Á. Zamora) – Spanish Ministery of Scientific Research (HUM2005-03852) (Sub-Project of the "Missione Epigrafica nel Libano". Bibliographic and catalographic research, digital photography and direct study of Phoenician epigraphs kept by the Directorate General of Antiquities of Lebanon).
- Progetto "Awali" (2004-2006, dir. by P. Xella) – Italian Ministery of Foreign Affaires / CNR (Sub-Project of the "Missione Epigrafica nel Libano". Epigraphic survey in the Awali river region).
- "Missione Epigrafica (libanese-italo-spagnola) nel Libano" (MEL, 2000-, dir. by P. Xella) – AUB / CNR / CSIC / DGA (Survey, catalogue, study and publication of Phoenician epigraphic materials under the responsibility of the Lebanese Directorate General of Antiquities [DGA]).
- "Automatización del proceso de interpretación de textos (Hermeneumática)" (2003-2005, dir. by J.-L. Cunchillos) – Spanish Ministery of Scientific Research (BFF2002-04718) (Prototypes of specific applications (word segmentators, morphological analizers). Systematic data normalization and introduction in the current databases).
- "Automatización del proceso de interpretación de textos antiguos" (1999-2002, dir. by J.-L. Cunchillos) – Spanish Ministery of Scientific Research (PB 98-0674-C04-01) (First funtional Phoenician database (relational, client-server architecture). First specific applications (concordance generators, lacunae restitutors). Beginning of systematic data normalization and introduction in the new databases).
- "Banco de datos filológicos semíticos noroccidentales II: ugarítico, fenicio y púnico" – Spanish Ministery of Scientific Research (PB 93-0107) (First prototype of a relational database with a client-server architecture focused in the management of Phoenician Inscriptions, starting from the "Ugaritic Data Bank" [CSIC] and the ICFP files [CNR]).